人是一切事的尺度。 -普羅泰戈拉
Man is the measure of all things. -Protagoras
我可以計算天體運行的軌道,卻無法計算人性的瘋狂。 -牛頓
I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people.-Isaac Newton
人們有時會說,人像「禽獸」般殘忍,但這對野獸來說是冒犯,也非常不公平;從來沒有動物能像人那樣殘忍,那樣狡猾地、那樣別出心裁地殘忍。 -杜斯妥也夫斯基
People speak sometimes about the “bestial” cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel. -Fyodor Dostoyevsky
不論誰想建立一個國家,且訂立法則,他就應該先假定人都是凶惡的。 -馬基維利
Whoever desires to found a state and give it laws, must start with assuming that all men are ever ready to display their vicious nature. -Niccolò Machiavelli
當我們疲倦時,我們就會受到早已被征服的想法襲擊。 -尼采
When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago. -Friedrich Nietzsche
在需要面前,一切理想主義都是虛偽的。 -尼采
All idealism is falsehood in the face of necessity. -Friedrich Nietzsche
超現實的詩意反映社會寫實的殘酷。 -蘇旺伸
The surreal imagery reflects the ruthlessness of the real society.
那些裝錯了靈魂的人是上帝跟他們開的玩笑。 -吳天章
The mismatch between body and soul is God’s idea of a joke.
喜劇性將悲劇性摧毀於誕生之際,它把受害者還抱持希望的唯一慰藉都剝奪了:這慰藉在於悲劇的崇高偉大。 -昆德拉
The comic destroys the tragic in the egg and thus deprives the victims of the only consolation they could hope for: the consolation to be found in the (real or supposed) grandeur of tragedy. -Milan Kundera
I laughed, at the absurdity of the comic, and being frightened, for the tragic beneath it all.
葫蘆問像葫蘆輪迴不息的遊戲。 -李明則
Huluwen is a game of everlasting cycles.
愛情、希望、恐懼和信仰構成了人性,它們是人性的標誌和特徵。 -羅伯.伯朗寧
Love, hope, fear, faith – these make humanity; These are its sign and note and character. -Robert browning
在我頭上是燦爛的星空,在我心中是道德的法則。 -康德
The starry heavens above me and the moral law within me. -Immanuel Kant
Artworks reflect their times, which their artists question.
展覽地點:弔詭畫廊 Crane Gallery
展覽時間:2014/11/08 – 2014/11/14
開幕茶會:2014/11/08 15:00