展期:2016.05.03 ── 2016.05.28
地點:福利社(臺北市中山區新生北路三段82號B1 )
開幕 OPENING:05.07(Sat.),17:00
座談 TALK:05.07(Sat.) 19:00
與談人 SPEAKERS:高榮禧(國立新竹教育大學藝術與設計學系 副教授)、歐靜雲(藝術家)
An Artist has the power to condense a life force given by an era into a painting. During the process of making an artwork, an artist absorbs as well as consumes the illusion of the era to transform it into a specific image. Painting itself is an imaginary shelter among my creation. The weak meaning referents the form as a survival signal of its era. Painting is to retain the fragments of life questioned by or excluded from the knowledge and politics. With the filled self-identity, I made painting incorporate the shapes of life, which turns into frantic whisper and limited poetics. Plane painting has a madness morbid imagery which could not be shared among those visible, existence and idea. It links the faces of unspeakable Homo sapiens’ humanity. It gives more crazy rigorous logic to make life keep spreading out. Painting is such anxious about image, form and color. It is against for the paralysis of visible and usual image in society. By perception and experience, painting shattered the repeats of anemic reality, constructing the secretion of violence in the limited boundaries.