【實況 ─ 那裡,然後 / 然後,那裡 】
開幕茶會_2018/05/12 (六) 19:00 -21:00
展覽地點_VT Artsalon 非常廟藝文空間
開放時間_ 週二-五 11:30-19:00 週六 13:30-21:00
此次齊簡個展《實況 ─ 那裡,然後 / 然後,那裡》,齊簡透過一連串的提問,試圖探究在這看似無邏輯、無預設的過程中創造出時空間隙。作品中有一位無安排劇本的裸身女模,還有一些隨意安置於空間中的物件。在女模與物件偶發互動中,出現了一位藝評,並發表言說。方彥翔以藝評的身分表示到:「齊簡安排的這場演示或展演,對我來說像是欲意將日常予以劇場化,但卻又解離了劇場的各要素,而成為某種物質生活的過程。」
展場中,音源從一支直立的麥克風頭,連續播放著沒有、沒有…,我們想問,是沒有什麼?還是什麼沒有?當觀眾一轉身,另一頭展場凹陷的牆面上,標寫著地坪總價,它是展場所在地公告地價的換算。另外,旁邊的隔牆內,停放著腳趾推移的玩具小車。影像播放著「室內」,「室內」播放影像,霓虹、插頭、紙板、竹子、日曆、燈箱…,這個「室」可以讓公眾進入,公眾自身也被公諸於「室」。「室」的意義同時兼顧社會性的「人」(person)的住宅(habitate)與存在我們裡面生物性主體(subject)的棲所,這個地方給予擁有身分或社會地位,並扮演某個角色。「室」被當成自我身體的延伸,正如別爾嘉耶夫(N. Berdyaev, 1874~1948)說到的:「正是在社會中,在與人們的交往中我感到最大的孤獨⋯⋯所有社會結構都是與『我』(『自我』)異己的和疏遠的⋯⋯世界不是我自己,我是在我之中的世界 」,室內與外界的區隔,如同自我與世界的分離,人在室裡,也揭露了身體自覺的納入政治機制的一整套邏輯中。
“Live – There and Then/ Then and There” is an exhibition by Chi Chien. Chi Chien created this gap in time and space through a process of a series of questions that seems as if it is without logic and preparation. One of the project displays a undressed female model and she was not given a script to work with. Along with the model are some random objects placed in the same space. A critic made a statement on the interactions of the model and the objects,” The way Chi Chien arranged this exhibition, to me it seems as if he want to display the everyday life in more theatrical way. But at the same time it does not include the elements of the theater.
Everything that happens during the exhibition, artists use mediums such as documents, photography, film, and installations to respond to the exhibition name “Live”. It is a Live presentation of the exhibition, at the same time it is a reenactment of the Live presentation. Chi Chien explained,” I want to really discuss the reality hidden behind Live broadcast. Under a creative system, presenting their own body politics.
In the exhibition, there is a microphone that continuously plays out,” No, no, no…” We won’t help but think,” No what?” ”What is over there?” And when the audience turns the other way, on the other side of the exhibition there is a caved in wall and written on the wall is the price of the land. It shows the total price of the land that the exhibition center stands. Also, in the walls of the building are little toy cars that can be pushed around with feet. The video plays the images of a “Room”. “Room” are images of neon lights, plugs, cardboard, bamboo, calendars and light boxes. This “Room” can be entered by audiences, audiences are also part of this “Room.” The meaning of ”Room”is a social habitat for a “person”, at the same time it represents the biological habitat for the “subject” inside us. This place gives us a position and a social status. It gives us a role to act. A “room” can be considered a part of our body, just like N. Berdyaev (1874-1948) once said,”It is in this society, the interaction between other people that I feel the most lonely…all that’s in the social structure are very different and distant to me…the world is not me, I am in the world.” The way that I am apart from the world is like gap between indoors and the outside world. When the person is inside the room, it shows that the body is under a series of logic in a political system.
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