• 時間:10月11-13日 (13:00 – 18:00)
• 地點:北美館視聽室
• 活動不需事先報名,歡迎踴躍入座
國家文化藝術基金會及臺北市立美術館非常榮幸宣佈:「CIT19當代策展的新挑戰──國際論壇暨青年策展工作坊」(Curators’ Intensive Taipei 19: International Conference and Workshops)將於2019年10月10日至14日於臺北市立美術館隆重展開。10月11日至13日(周五至周日)連續三天下午,齊聚來自世界各地的文化藝術實踐者、策展人及學者,在北美館參與為期三天的國際策展論壇;兩場工作坊則於10月10日及14日舉辦。
「CIT19:當代策展的新挑戰──國際論壇暨青年策展工作坊」是由國家文化藝術基金會「#ARTWAVE ─台灣國際藝術網絡平台」所推動,並與臺北市立美術館共同主辦。CIT19聚焦於當代藝術策展專業,將透過國際論壇與工作坊雙軌並行的方式,對應當代策展多元化的操作方式,建立國際性對話場域、連結各地藝術專業工作者的交流網絡,並致力於策展教育的深化。
■ 關於CIT19國際論壇 ■
CIT19國際論壇以「#當代策展的亞洲語境及其超越」(Contemporary Curating Rethink: In the Context of Asia and Beyond)為總主題,以臺灣的文化內涵、地緣位置與歷史過程為輻輳重心,在亞洲地域及歷史的脈絡下探索文化地緣關係中的策展(史)與方法學、策展人的社會職能與角色。並在跨文化融合發展及展演教育功能擴張的趨勢中,思考「策展」如何能同時在研究、展示、教習等複合角色中,鋪陳出高效力與創造性兼備的嶄新語境。
►「跨領域策展、展覽機制和教育轉向」(Transdisciplinary curating, the institution of art, and the educational turn)
►「跨地域、跨文化的策展與地緣政治」(Cross-regional/cross-cultural curating and geopolitics)
►「策展與藝術史的構建」(Curatorial practice and the formation of art history)
■ 論壇講者 ■
邀請的主題講者(keynote speaker)包括印度瑞克斯媒體小組(Raqs Media Collective)、新加坡國立大學副教授鄭大衛(David Teh)及香港M+博物館資深策展人皮力。
其他講者包括巴黎東京宮策展人尤恩・古梅爾(Yoann Gourmel)、第十五屆卡塞爾文件大展(2022)策展團隊ruangrupa(埃德.達瑪萬Ade Darmawan和馬讓・安登Mirwan Andan)、東京國立近代美術館策展人保坂健二朗(Kenjiro Hosaka)、越南胡志明市工廠當代藝術中心(The Factory Contemporary Arts Centre)總監柔依・柏特(Zoe Butt)、菲律賓學者艾琳・黎加斯比・拉米雷斯(Eileen Legaspi Ramirez)、北美館策展人蕭淑文、上海外灘美術館策展人謝豐嶸、國立台灣美術館助理研究員周郁齡、臺灣策展人徐文瑞、立陶宛策展人瑞牧德斯・馬拉薩斯卡(Raimundas Malasauskas),以及臺北教育大學當代藝術評論與策展研究全英語碩士學位學程(CCSCA)助理教授呂佩怡及澳籍助理教授弗朗西斯・馬拉維拉斯(Francis Maravillas)。
CIT19國際論壇將於舉辦結束後,以影音檔案方式上傳發表紀錄之內容。 更多資訊,請參閱活動官網:
∙ 共同主辦| 國家文化藝術基金會、 臺北市立美術館 Taipei Fine Arts Museum
• 策劃執行| TheCube Project Space 立方計劃空間
• 工作坊主辦| MoNTUE北師美術館
• 工作坊共同策劃| Critical and Curatorial Studies of Contemporary Art at NTUE
• 媒體合作| 典藏
Curators’ Intensive Taipei 19— International Conference and Workshops
• Date: 11-13 Oct. (13:00-18:00)
• Venue: TFAM Auditorium
• Free entry for this event. No ticket or reservations required.
The National Culture and Arts Foundation (NCAF) and the Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM) are honored to announce the launch of the “Curators’ Intensive Taipei 19: International Conference and Workshops (CIT19)” which is going to take place at the TFAM from 10 to 14 October 2019. The 3-day international conference (11-13 October, Fri.-Sun.) features a star-studded line-up of artistic and cultural practitioners, curators and scholars from home and abroad. The two workshops are scheduled respectively on 10 and 14 October.
As a platform established by the ARTWAVE─Taiwan International Arts Network, the CIT19 accentuates the discussion and contemplation on the profession of contemporary curating, insofar as to echo the diversification of contemporary curatorial approaches, forge a congenial platform for international dialogue and exchange, build up a strong network of art practitioners, and get the curatorial education into a state of greater profoundness.
The contemporary curating began to sprout in Taiwan in the 1990s. The NCAF and the TFAM have taken a bellwether role in vigorously supporting and incubating the diverse developments of Taiwanese talents for curating. Based on the 20 years’ root-taking development of curatorial studies in Taiwan, the CIT19 international conference is dedicated to constructing Taiwan’s curatorial history and advancing knowledge about curating.
■ About CIT19 International Conference ■
“Contemporary Curating Rethink: In the Context of Asia and Beyond” is the main theme that runs through the CIT19 international conference. Centering on Taiwan’s cultural heritage, geographical location, and historical background, the conference not only explores the history and methodology of curating as well as the role and responsibility of a curator within the Asian context, but also stimulates reflections on how “curating,” while simultaneously in researchful, exhibitional and pedagogical roles, can lay out brand new contexts as effective as creative in face of the trends towards cross-cultural fusion and exhibition-based educational turn.
A total of 15 groups of speakers headline the CIT19 international conference, and its agenda consists of three interconnected threads:
▶ Transdisciplinary curating, the institution of art, and the educational turn
▶ Cross-regional/cross-cultural curating and geopolitics
▶ Curatorial practice and the formation of art history
■ Invited Speakers ■
The keynote speakers include Raqs Media Collective, David Teh, and Pi Li. The other speakers include Yoann Gourmel, ruangrupa (Ade Darmawan and Mirwan Andan), Kenjiro Hosaka, Zoe Butt, Eileen Legaspi Ramirez, Jo Hsiao, Feng-Rong Hsieh, Yu-Ling Chou, Manray Hsu, Raimundas Malašauskas, Pei-Yi Lu and Francis Maravillas. In addition, scholars including Hong-John Lin, Jau-Lan Guo, Fang-Tze Hsu, Yi-Hsin Nicole Lai, Ming-Jiun Tsai and Nobuo Takamori are invited to the round-table discussion.
Apart from the 3-day international conference, the CIT19 also contains six curatorial workshops. The first to fourth workshops were held in this May and June. In coordination with the international conference, the fifth and sixth are scheduled on 10 and 14 October to be led by Fang-Wei Chang and Esther Lu from Taiwan as well as Raimundas Malašauskas and Yoann Gourmel.
The contents of the CIT19 international conference will be uploaded to our official website in the form of video file. For details please visit the website:
** Free entry for this event. No ticket or reservations required.
** Chinese-English simultaneous interpreting available for the entire duration of the conference.
• Co-organizer| Taipei Fine Arts Museum, National Culture and Arts Foundation
• Programming and Coordination| TheCube Project Space
• Workshop Organizer| Museum of National Taipei University of Education
• Workshop Co-programming| MA in Critical and Curatorial Studies of Contemporary Art
• Media Partner| ARTouch