湯尼·奥斯勒 (Tony Oursler) 為美國錄像藝術之先鋒,作品結合獨特且創新的錄像雕塑、雕塑與展演,將影像自二維空間中解放,實驗影像虛實交錯的介面,創造獨特且變動的影像空間。《黑盒-幻魅於形》(Black Box) 一展開啟顯影空間內部的神秘未知及源起,透過光線與科學喻象所展開之無限可能。在光影,影像科技,聲音與詩文交錯之間,模擬人類和情感特徵,創造宛如附有生命的雕塑個體,並以幽默又譏諷的語彙,引領觀者穿梭於影像空間,探索個體心靈、精神及大眾文化及現代科技之虛實。此次亞洲首次大型個展展出之經典錄像裝置作品,實驗短片及電影作品,呈現奥斯勒自早期生涯至今其影像創作軌跡。
Black Box is the first major museum exhibition in Asia devoted to the full scope of the career of Tony Oursler (b. 1957, New York), widely considered to be among the pioneers of American multimedia and video art. Oursler has been consistently redefining moving image and installation art through innovative and diverse methods of incorporating video, sculpture and performance into his practice, breaking video art out of the two-dimensional screen by using projectors to create unique and transformative three-dimensional environments. Black Box reveals his fascination with mystical phenomena and the origins of the camera obscura, conjuring immersive experiences through the use of technologies of projection, video screens and other optical devices.
【黑盒-幻魅於形 : 湯尼.奧斯勒 】
時間:01月23 日- 05月16日
9:30-17:30 (星期一休館)
地點:高雄市立美術館 101-103展覽室