活動日期_ 2017/12/02(六)
活動時間_ Midnight
活動地點_ THE WALL 公館 Korner
活動地址_ 台北市文山區羅斯福路四段200號
活動網址_ https://www.facebook.com/events/900530980122268/
澳洲規模最大的聲音藝術組織流動建築(Liquid Architecture)即將來台於台北、台中及台南三地舉辦
Liquid Architecture and White Fungus present SUBLATE in Taipei
Liquid Architecture, Australia’s biggest sonic arts organization, is coming to Taiwan to hold a series of events in Taipei, Taichung and Tainan. Five Australian artists will come to Taiwan for the tour: Rainbow Chan, Nathan Gray, Jannah Quill, Clair Cooper, and Andrew McLellan. The tour features a series of activities organized in collaboration with local artists, writers, and curators, including a symposium on self organization through sound at the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts in Taichung on November 26th.
For the final event of the tour, Liquid Architecture and Taiwan art magazine White Fungus are collaborating on the event SUBLATE at Taipei music venue Korner on December 2nd.SUBLATE features visiting artists Jannah Quill, Andrew McLellan (Enderie), and Rainbow Chan alongside 10 local acts, including Wang Fujui, Dino, Betty Apple, Tzu Ni, and Berserk.
Liquid Architecture and White Fungus have also collaborated to create a new Chinese-English bilingual publication which includes articles on Hong-Kai Wang, Betty Apple, and local arts group Acid House, plus information about Taiwanese and Australian artists and organizations. The ENTERING TONE publication comes free with tickets to SUBLATE when purchased at select locations.
Liquid Architecture has been active in Australia since 2000 and has played a pivotal role in developing sound culture, helping artists to organize performances, exhibitions, talks, and a range of other activities. Liquid Architecture has previously held events in Singapore, but this Taiwan trip is the first time the organization has toured outside of Australia.
Taiwan is gaining a reputation throughout the wold for having a vibrant sound art scene. In recent years, a string of international exhibitions, performances, talks, film screenings, and media coverage have helped build this reputation. Liquid Architecture’s choice of Taiwan for its first international tour is an indication of the healthy state of the island’s sonic arts community.
11/23-12/1 期間可以在以下地點以500元購買〈SUBLATE〉票券,附贈
薄霧書店 Misty Bookstore
Quelques Pâtisseries 某某。甜點
朋丁 Pon Ding
先行一車唱片行 Senko Issha Records
小白兔唱片 White Wabbit Records
Digilog 聲響實驗室
早秋咖啡 Cafe Macho
Modern Mode Café
這間咖啡 Zhejian Cafe
TheCube Project Space 立方計劃空間
台北當代藝術中心 Taipei Contemporary Art Center (TCAC)
苔毛咖啡 Taimo Cafe
個體戶唱片行 Indimusic Records
咖啡小自由 Libero Coffee & Bar
Woolloomooloo 信義店